Point of Entry

New Visa, Same Problems 본문

영문 기사

New Visa, Same Problems

Tea for two 2021. 12. 29. 20:11

Without proper staffing INZ will continue to play catch up.


proper staffing

play catch up 따라잡다


We raised concerns that without proper resourcing, the Immigration Minister’s 2021 Resident Visa plan would simply shift migrants out of one immigration queue of misery to another even longer queue.


proper resourcing 여기서 리소싱은 인력배치일 것이니, proper staffing 과 같은 의미가 되겠다

another even longer queue 어순을 참고하라


With every week that passes it is looking more and more like this will be the case.


with every week that passeswill be the case


To make matters worse, processing of other visa categories has been put on ice so immigration officers can focus on 2021 Resident Visa applications.


to make matters worse 설상가상으로


The Minister must get his act together and ensure that processing rates start drastically tracking upwards.


get his act together 정신차리다


The river was swollen from recent rain and still discoloured.


swollen from recent raindiscoloured



A Christchurch restaurant has been issued three infringement notices for failing to comply with Covid-19 requirements.


failing to comply with requirements


WorkSafe New Zealand says The Lotus-Heart has failed to display signage signalling whether it requires My Vaccine Pass use or not in a prominent place, isn't displaying a QR Code in a prominent place, and doesn't have systems or processes to check My Vaccine Pass status of patrons.


in a prominent place


I know the hospitality industry has been needing time to consider what the new rules mean for them and I want to reassure them we're not jumping straight to infringement notices.


jump straight to