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[The Prog-The 100 Greatest Prog Albums of All Time] 87. Radiohead-Ok Computer 본문

월간팝송-음악세계-핫뮤직 스크랩

[The Prog-The 100 Greatest Prog Albums of All Time] 87. Radiohead-Ok Computer

Tea for two 2020. 7. 13. 19:17

프로그레시브 음악을 주로 다루는 잡지로 보이는 "The Prog"에 특집으로 실린 기사인데, 프로그레시브 100대 앨범을 선정한 것임


87. Radiohead-Ok Computer, 1997

- eeny :
1. Airbag (4:44)
2. Paranoid Android (6:23)
3. Subterranean Homesick Alien (4:27)
- meeny :
4. Exit Music (For A Film) (4:24)
5. Let Down (4:59)
6. Karma Police (4:21)
- miney :
7. Fitter Happier (1:57)
8. Electioneering (3:50)
9. Climbing Up The Walls (4:45)
10. No Surprises (3:48)
- mo :
11. Lucky (4:19)
12. The Tourist (5:24)


We say

Eschewing the indie bluster of their earlier work, Thom Yorke and co embraced experimentation and a bleak sense of unease on their third, universally lauded opus

You say (Emil Colosimo)

Often labelled the Pink Floyd of the 90s, and it's a title that absolutely fits. Radiohead take the listener through a soundscape of songs, noises, melodies and lyrics that are practically all perfect. It established the band as prog, although many will argue against that