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[NZ Stuff] Government suspends compassionate exemptions from managed isolation 본문

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[NZ Stuff] Government suspends compassionate exemptions from managed isolation

Tea for two 2020. 6. 16. 17:56


Dr Ashley Bloomfield details the two new Covid-19 cases in New Zealand.

The Government is suspending all compassionate exemptions from quarantine.


* compassionate exemptions 동정에서 비롯된 면제


It would only be reinstated once the Government had confidence in the system.

Health Minister David Clark announced the move after two women who traveled from the United Kingdom, tested positive for Covid-19, after being given a compassionate exemption to leave a managed isolation facility.

They were allowed to travel to Wellington and tested positive after they arrived.

This broke New Zealand's case-free streak of 24 consecutive days.

The Government is suspending all compassionate exemptions at the border until it has confidence in the system.

Clark said he has now required Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield to suspend compassionate exemptions from managed isolation, in order to ensure the system is working as intended.


“Compassionate exemptions should be rare and rigorous and it appears that this case did not include the checks that we expected to be happening. That’s not acceptable,” Clark said.


* rigorous 엄격한


“Our border measures are a key line of defence against COVID-19 and we must ensure they are as robust as possible."

Bloomfield would be reviewing the processes around these latest two cases, noting that he had already made it a requirement that all individuals must return a negative COVID test before leaving managed isolation facilities from now on.

“I have asked the Director General to consider if there are any other measures we can put in place to strengthen our health protections at the border."

“New Zealand remains in an enviable position and the risk to the public remains very low – but as Health Minister I want to ensure we are doing all that we can to keep COVID-19 at bay," he said.


* keep something at bay 발생을 막다



Two new covid-19 cases have sparked an immediate rule change, meaning anyone given compassionate dispensation to leave a managed isolation facility must return a negative test result before walking out the door.

There had been a previous challenge in the courts for a stringent approach, he said.


* stringent 엄중한, 절박한


"However to ensure COVID doesn’t easily get back into the country we need assurance our border measures are as tight as possible,” Clark said.

Earlier, Bloomfield said a new case was something officials hoped they wouldn’t get but was also something that was expected and planned for.

“What I have asked for, from today, is that anyone released for compassionate exemptions are tested and that there is a negative test result confirmed before they are released.”

"We know there are people continuing to come to New Zealand from countries where there is active community spread of COVID-19. This is managed through our requirement for two weeks in isolation at the border."

"That's why we have geared up our contact tracing and testing capability to be able to respond rapidly."