Point of Entry

Long wait expected for migrants seeking resident visas 본문

영문 기사

Long wait expected for migrants seeking resident visas

Tea for two 2021. 12. 27. 19:41



The visa is meant to provide certainty for migrant workers.


is meant to ~ 하려고 한거다


On its website, Immigration NZ says it's committed to processing the visa applications as quickly as possible and is expecting to process most of them within 12 months.


is committed to ~ 약속하다


More applications are expected to flood in when the second phase of applications begins on March 1.


flood in ~ 몰려들다



National's immigration spokesperson, Erica Stanford, says Minister Kris Faafoi knew thousands of people would apply, so should've made sure the IT system could cope.


make sure 사용법


A spokesman for Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi says there were some initial technical issues, but that's now been fixed so he's confident processing will speed up.


speed up


When we look at the current treatment approach for Covid-19, the key limitations that we observe are – the drugs are mostly given intravenously or orally, and drug concentrations in the lungs are usually suboptimal.


current treatment approach for

key limitations 주요 제한점들, limits (한계)와 잘 구분해서 사용 (구분하기 쉽지 않다)


Shortages of nurses may see Taranaki rest home hospital patients forced to move


The not-for-profit organisation warned a crisis was looming in aged care unless more was done to support the recruitment and retention of nurses.


not-for-profit organisation 비영리 단체

looming 이 사용된 문장을 보라

more was done 


“The DHBs are able to pay nurses at the top end of the MECA scale, which is significantly more than we received funding for. We just can’t compete. We feel helpless.

“Funding needs to flow through to community organisations so that our nurses have pay parity with those working for the DHB.”


feel helpless

have pay parity